- 2023-05-09 18:06:52
- 2765 热度
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在做Java开发的时候,常常会出现一些乱码,或者无法正确识别或读取的文件,比如常见的validator验证用的消息资源(properties)文 件就需要进行Unicode重新编码。原因是java默认的编码方式为Unicode,而计算机系统编码常常是GBK等编码。需要将系统的编码转换 为java正确识别的编码问题就解决了。
native2ascii 工具将带有本机编码字符(非拉丁 1 和非单一码字符)的文件转换成带有Unicode编码字符的文件。
key1=java無名 key2=博客 key3=测试
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 old.properties new.properties
native2ascii -reverse -encoding UTF-8 new.properties new2.properties
public class Native2AsciiUtils { /** * prefix of ascii string of native character */ private static String PREFIX = "\\u"; /** * Native to ascii string. It's same as execut native2ascii.exe. * @param str native string * @return ascii string */ public static String native2Ascii(String str) { char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { sb.append(char2Ascii(chars[i])); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Native character to ascii string. * @param c native character * @return ascii string */ private static String char2Ascii(char c) { if (c > 255) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(PREFIX); int code = (c >> 8); String tmp = Integer.toHexString(code); if (tmp.length() == 1) { sb.append("0"); } sb.append(tmp); code = (c & 0xFF); tmp = Integer.toHexString(code); if (tmp.length() == 1) { sb.append("0"); } sb.append(tmp); return sb.toString(); } else { return Character.toString(c); } } /** * Ascii to native string. It's same as execut native2ascii.exe -reverse. * @param str ascii string * @return native string */ public static String ascii2Native(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int begin = 0; int index = str.indexOf(PREFIX); while (index != -1) { sb.append(str.substring(begin, index)); sb.append(ascii2Char(str.substring(index, index + 6))); begin = index + 6; index = str.indexOf(PREFIX, begin); } sb.append(str.substring(begin)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Ascii to native character. * @param str ascii string * @return native character */ private static char ascii2Char(String str) { if (str.length() != 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ascii string of a native character must be 6 character."); } if (!PREFIX.equals(str.substring(0, 2))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ascii string of a native character must start with \"\\u\"."); } String tmp = str.substring(2, 4); int code = Integer.parseInt(tmp, 16) << 8; tmp = str.substring(4, 6); code += Integer.parseInt(tmp, 16); return (char) code; } public static void main(String[] args) { String uni = "java\u5c0f\u5f3a"; System.out.println(ascii2Native(uni)); } }
0 评论
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